Thursday, July 17, 2008
Musayyib stations generate more electricity
محطة المسيب تولد مزيدا من الكهرباء Musayyib stations generate more electricity
بقلم أريك لانكر By Erik denied
العلاقات العامة في فرقة منطقة الخليج Public Relations Task Force in Gulf region
المسيب، العراق - فيما حل على العراقيين صيف قائظ، تزايدت الحاجة الى الكهرباء وغذاها شراء العراقيين للوازم كهربائية يستهلك بعضها كثيرا من الكهرباء كأجهزة التكييف والأفران وأصبحوا يستعملوها كثيرا. Musayyib, Iraq - With a solution to the Iraqi summer heat increased, the need for electricity, fuelled by Iraqis to buy electrical supplies consumed some much electricity eg conditioners, furnaces and are frequently used. وتحاول منشآت كهربائية جديدة او مرممة كمحطة كهرباء المسيب العاملة بالتوربين الغازي ردم الفجوة بين الحاجة وبين القدرة على اضافة مزيد من الميكاوات الى الشبكة الكهربائية. And try new electric installations or murals Musayyib power station operating gas turbine bridge the gap between need and the ability to add more Almikawat to the electric grid.
ويعمل مهندسو فرقة منطقة الخليج التابعة لفيلق مهندسي الجيش الاميركي مع وزارة الكهرباء العراقية لحل مشكلة الكهرباء المستعصية. The engineers task Gulf region Corps of Engineers with the American army and the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity to solve the intractable problem of electricity. يعد مشروع محطة كهرباء المسيب الغازية بتكلفة 26,8 مليون دولار ضمن المشروعات التي تم تجديدها مؤخرا لكي تسهم بنحو فاعل في رفد الشبكة الكهربائية. Prepare a draft of the Musayyib power plant, gas cost 26.8 million dollars in projects that have been recently renovated in order to contribute about an active role in supplementing the electric grid.
وقال جوزيف ويندل، مسؤول توليد الكهرباء في فرقة منطقة الخليج "سوف تضيف هذه المحطة 400 ميكا وات وهذا يعني تجهيز 36 ألف منزل بالكهرباء"، وأضاف "لكن الزيادة كانت من نصيب المصفاة الجديدة القادرة على انتاج 40 الف برميل من وقود الديزل في اليوم". He said Joseph Bandali, official power in the Gulf region Task "This plant will add 400 Mika Wat That means processing 36 thousand house with electricity," adding, "But the increase was from the share of the new refinery capable of producing 40 thousand barrels of diesel fuel per day."
وتتضمن اعمال البناء للمحطة بناء وحدة معالجة المياه واعادة تأهيل المولدات بماكيناتها من طراز أل أم 6000 وهي نفسها التي تستعملها طائرات الجمبو 747 فضلا عن بناء مصفاة جديدة. The construction work of the station building and water treatment unit and the rehabilitation of generators McKinnon type of Umm 6000 is the same aircraft used by the player 747 as well as building a new refinery.
وبانشاء مصفاة قريبة من محطة المسيب اصبحت الاخيرة تحصل على امدادات وقود الديزل بنحو منتظم لتشغيل مولداتها. With the establishment of a refinery near Musayyib station became the last to receive supplies of diesel fuel at a regular for the operation of generators.
واكد ويندل "مثاليا، سوف تنتج المصفاة كمية من الديزل اكثر من المطلوب في المسيب ... يخطط وزير الكهرباء لاستخدام الوقود الاضافي لمحطات كهرباء بغداد التي تعمل بالغاز، وهذا مهم جدا لان الديزل شحيح ". He and Wendell "Ideally, the refinery will produce a quantity of diesel more than requested in Musayyib ... minister of electricity and is planning to use extra fuel to power stations Baghdad, which is gas, and this is very important because diesel scarce."
ونصبت مولدات أل أم 6000 التي تنتجها شركة جنرال ألكتريك قبل وصول فرقة منطقة الخليج في 2004، لكنها لم تكن تعمل وكانت المنشأة شبه متروكة بسبب عدة عوامل، فقد عانى المصنع من نقص حاد في الصيانة والعاملين ذوي الخبرة وقطع الغيار الأساسية. And installed generators or the 6000 produced by General Electric prior to the arrival of the Task Gulf region in 2004, but were not working and was established almost abandoned due to several factors, the plant has suffered from a severe lack of maintenance and experienced personnel and essential spare parts.
وقال مدير عقد اعمار المسيب ان "أبرز المشكلات في المحطة هو عدم توفر المواد المهمة في العراق"، مضيفا "تستورد هذه المواد عادة من الخارج، لم يتمكن العراق من الحصول على الأجزاء الميكانيكية بسبب الحرب الطويلة مع ايران وحرب الخليج وحرب الاطاحة بصدام في 2003، ولم يستطع الحصول على المعدات المتخصصة في مدة الحصار الطويلة". The director said the reconstruction of Musayyib held that "the most prominent problems in the station is the lack of mission in Iraq," adding "these materials normally imported from abroad, Iraq was unable to obtain the mechanical parts because the long war with Iran and the Gulf War and the war overthrowing Saddam in 2003, Has been unable to obtain specialized equipment in long-term siege. "
وتفتقر منشأة المسيب الى مصدر للوقود فضلا عن العمالة الماهرة والمواد، لذا كان بناء المصفاة مهما. The facility lacks Musayyib into a source of fuel as well as skilled labour and materials, so it was important at the refinery.
وقال كينت مكاناني نائب مسؤول قطاع الكهرباء في فرقة منطقة الخليج "من الصعب الحصول على وقود الديزل، من ناحية اخرى يسهل نسبيا الحصول على النفط الخام"، وأضاف "يضخ النفط الخام بالانابيب او ينقل بالشاحنات الى المسيب ثم يصفى الى الديزل بالوحدة التي بنيت حديثا، وسوف تستعمل محطة المسيب جزءا من الديزل والباقي سينقل الى محطات الكهرباء الاخرى العاملة بالتوربين الغازي." He said the possibility of Kent Vice official electricity sector in the Gulf Task Force "difficult to obtain diesel fuel, on the other hand relatively easy access to crude oil," adding that "pumping crude oil piped or transported by truck to the Musayyib then filtered to the diesel unit which newly built, The station will be used Musayyib part of the diesel and the remainder will be transferred to other power plants operating the gas turbine. "
ووفقا لمكاناني، هناك منافع لتصميم الوحدات النموذجية للمحطات الكهربائية الغازية، "بافتراض أننا نستطيع الحصول على ماكينات تعمل بالتوربين الغازي والمولدات وكل المعدات المتعلقة، فان الامر لن يستغرق وقتا طويلا للحصول على منشأة جديدة تعمل بهذا النحو". According to the possibility, there are benefits to design modules for electric plants species, "Assuming we can get on the machines operate gas turbine generators and all related equipment, it will take a long time to obtain new business operating in that manner."
من جهتم، قال مقاولو بناء المحطات الكهربائية ان بالامكان بناء محطة كهذه في غضون أقل من عام في البلدان الغربية حيث تتوفر الاجزاء ولا تؤخذ الأوضاع الأمنية بالحسبان. For his part, said contractors building electrical plants that can build such a station within less than a year in Western countries where the parts are not taken into account the security situation. أما في العراق فان الامر يستغرق 14 شهرا أو أكثر. In Iraq, it takes 14 months or more.
لكن السلبي في محركات التوربينات الغازية هو التكلفة المرتفعة، حيث تقترب من 50 مليون دولار لكل محرك طراز أل أم 6000 ما يعد باهض التكاليف مقارنة بالانتاج. But the negative engines in gas turbines is the high cost, with almost 50 million dollars to each type of engine, or what is Nahed 6000 compared to production costs.
وعلى النقيض من ذلك، فان محطات التوليد الحرارية كالمنشأة التي تبعد 300 متر من محطة المسيب والتي بنيت في منتصف الثمانينيات، تعمل على النفط الخام وباستطاعتها توليد عشرة أضعاف ما تولده الغازية لكن بناءها يستغرق وقتا وتكاليفا اعلى بكثير. In contrast, the thermal power plants, installations, which lies 300 meters from the station Musayyib, which was built in the mid-eighties, working on crude oil and could generate ten times what is generated by gas but construction takes time and costs much higher.
وقال مكاناني ان "توليد المحطة الحرارية يعد قفزة كمية اعلى من المحطة الغازية ... وكذلك يكون تشغيلها أرخص لانك تحصل على مزيد من الطاقة بالميكاوات من مقدار أقل من الوقود ولاسيما ان الحصول على النفط الخام اسهل بكثير في العراق". He said the possibility of "thermal generating station is a quantum leap higher than the gas station ... and also be operated cheaper because you get more energy Balmikawat less than the amount of fuel, particularly that access to crude oil is much easier in Iraq."
وبمرور الوقت، يعوض الادخار الذي توفره المحطة الحرارية النفقات المرتفعة لبنائها. Over time, to be offset by savings provided by the station's thermal high expenses for construction.
وشدد مكاناني على أن "المناقشات مستمرة بين فرقة منطقة الخليج ووزارة الكهرباء العراقية للتوصل الى نوع المحطات التي سينصبوها"، مضيفا "مازال هناك قدر كبير من العمل يتعين القيام به للحصول على شبكة كهربائية شبيهة بتلك الموجودة في الولايات المتحدة. الأمر يحتاج الى الوقت وكثير من المال، حيث لم يتم استثمار أموال في الشبكة لمدة 25 عاما". He stressed the possibility that "discussions are continuing between the Task Gulf region and the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity to reach a kind of stations that monument," adding "there is still much work to be done to obtain the electrical network similar to those existing in the United States. Needed to time and many Finance, as has been invested in the network for 25 years. "
واستثمرت الولايات المتحدة 6,6 مليار دولار في برنامج كهرباء العراق، وهذا المبلغ هو أقل من 20 مليار دولار كان البنك الدولي قدرها في 2004. The United States has invested 6.6 billion dollars in the Electricity Iraq, and this amount is less than 20 billion dollars of World Bank in 2004. لكن مكتب مساعدة العراق الانتقالي التابع لوزارة الخارجية الأميركية قدر حاليا تكلفة "اصلاح" البنية التحتية للكهرباء في العراق بنحو 30 مليار دولار. But Iraq Transition Assistance Office of the Foreign Ministry's American currently estimated cost of "reform" the infrastructure of power in Iraq at about 30 billion dollars.
ومع ذلك فليس كل شيء قاتما، اذ قال ويندل "تزيد حكومة العراق من استعمال أموالها المخصصة للمشروعات وتحرص على أكمال ما بدأناه". However, it is not all bleak, and he and Wendell "over Iraq from using government funds allocated for projects and is keen to complete what we started." مرة اخرى تستمر الشراكة الايجابية في ان تكون مفتاح مشكلة الكهرباء في العراق. Once again the positive partnership will continue to be the key to the problem of electricity in Iraq.
Mr. agent for the senior Interior Ministry Attorney-General of the multinational forces
التقى السيد الوكيل الأقدم لوزارة الداخلية (عدنان هادي الاسدي) بمكتبه هذا اليوم الفريق (جون كوبر) نائب القائد العام للقوات المتعددة الجنسيات والوفد المرافق له. Mr. met senior agent of the Ministry of Interior (Adnan Hadi Asadi) working in his office that day (John Cooper) deputy general commander of the multinational forces and the delegation accompanying him.
وقد دار الحديث في عدة مواضيع كان أهمها الوضع الأمني ومدى جاهزية قوات الشرطة في تأدية الواجبات المناطة بهم. Having ran in several topics was most important security situation and the preparedness of the police in discharging the duties entrusted to them.
وكذلك موضوع التجهيز والتسليح لوزارة الداخلية بما يتلائم والوضع الراهن . And the issue of processing and arming of the Ministry of the Interior consistent with the status quo.
حيث أشار السيد كوبر بدور أبناء الداخلية الفعال خصوصاً في العمليات الأخيرة المتمثلة بصولة الفرسان وعملية أم الربيعين وبشائر السلام التي أظهرت قوات الشرطة العراقية بالمظهر الذي يبعث الطمأنينة بروح المواطن العراقي. Mr. Cooper, where he played the sons of effective internal processes, especially in the last chapters of the Knights, or Spring and the promise of peace that showed an Iraqi police forces look which is reassuring spirit of Iraqi citizens.
كما تطرق الحديث إلى المواقف والسجون حيث أبدى السيد كوبر ارتياحه لحسن المعاملة التي يتلقاها الموقوف في المواقف التابعة لوزارة الداخلية ومراعاة حقوق الإنسان فيها. The discussion dealt with attitudes and prisons, where Mr. Cooper expressed satisfaction with the good treatment received by the detainee in the attitudes of the Ministry of Interior and observance of human rights.
كذلك جرى الحديث حول الدورات التدريبية لضباط ومنتسبي وزارة الداخلية والتي من شأنها رفع مستوى وكفائة العاملين فيها ومواكبة التطور الذي تشهده بعض بلدان العالم المتقدمة . It was also talk about training courses for officers and employees of the Ministry of Interior, which would raise the level and efficiency of employees and keep abreast of developments witnessed by some developed countries in the world.
وفي الختام أعرب السيد كوبر عن شكره وامتنانه للسيد الأقدم لدوره الفعال في إنجاح العملية الأمنية بالتعاون مع مسؤولي ومنتسبي الداخلية الغيارى. In conclusion, Mr. Cooper expressed his thanks and gratitude to Mr. Senior active role in the successful security operation in cooperation with officials and employees of the internal parts.
المكتب الاعلامي Media Office
Prime Minister Nouri Kamel al-Maliki receives MP Saad Hariri
الخميس17 /7 /2008 Thursday, 17 / 7 / 2008
استقبل رئيس الوزراء السيد نوري كامل المالكي بمكتبه الرسمي اليوم رئيس كتلة المستقبل في مجلس النواب اللبناني سعد الحريري معتبرا الزيارة خطوة بإتجاه تطوير العلاقات بين البلدين اللذين تربطهما علاقات اخوية وتاريخية ،في المجالات السياسية والاقتصادية والتجارية والثقافية . Met with Prime Minister Nouri Kamel al-Maliki in his office today, the official head block future in the Lebanese Parliament, Saad Hariri, saying the visit step towards the development of relations between the two countries which are bound by historical and fraternal relations, in the political, economic, commercial and cultural rights.
وأكد سيادته ان العراق بلد دستوري ويمتلك وتجربة دديمقراطية وليدة ، وقد خرج من حقبة النظام الاستبداد والقمع و الدكتاتورية الذي زج العراق بحروب ومغامرات وتدخلات في شؤون الدول الاخرى ، وقد شوهت هذه السياسات صورة العراق في الخارج ، ونحن نتطلع اليوم الى إقامة افضل العلاقات مع محيطنا العربي ودول الجوارالاقليمي. He stressed that Iraq's sovereignty and constitutional country and possesses the experience and Ddimaqratih hand, has emerged from the era of tyranny and oppression and dictatorship by pushing Iraq wars and adventures and interventions in the affairs of other countries, these policies have distorted the image of Iraq abroad, and we look forward today to establish better relations with the Arab environment The Jawaralakulaimi States.
وتابع سيادته : إن زياراتنا للدول العربية في اول جولة خارجية بعد تسلمنا مسؤولية رئاسة الحكومة تحمل رسالة كان على الاشقاء فهمها في وقت مبكر بدل التأخر في التوجه نحو العراق ، فليس من مصلحة العرب الابتعاد عن العراق لأن ذلك يلحق الضرر بالطرفين. He continued sovereignty: that our visits to Arab countries in the first round of Foreign Affairs after receiving the government bear the responsibility of chairing the message was understood brothers in the early instead of late in the trend towards Iraq, it is not in the interest of the Arabs to stay away from Iraq because that harm both parties.
واشاد السيد رئيس الوزراء بمبادرة دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة في اطفاء الديون المترتبة على العراق وهي ديون حرب لم يستفد منها العراق في بناء المستشفيات والجسور والطرق ، ومازال العراق يدفع لدولة لكويت 5% من عائداته النفطية كتعويضات عن تلك الحرب وإن هذه النسبة باقية على حالها رغم الارتفاع الكبير في اسعار النفط ،مضيفا ان العراق تجاوز التحديات الامنية والحرب الطائفية ويستعد لدخول مرحلة البناء والاعمار بمشاركة الشركات العربية والاجنبية . He praised Prime Minister's initiative of the United Arab Emirates to extinguish the debt implications of the debt Iraq war has benefited Iraq in building hospitals, roads and bridges, and Iraq continues to pay the State of Kuwait 5% of its oil revenues for compensation that war and that proportion remained unchanged despite the rise Large in oil prices, adding that Iraq's security challenges and overcome the sectarian war and prepares to enter the construction phase and reconstruction with Arab and foreign companies.
وقال سيادته : ان الحكومة اثبتت قدرتها في مواجهة للمنظمات الارهابية والخارجين عن القانون من منطلق المصلحة العليا للبلاد بعيدا عن الحسابات الفئوية والطائفية والحزبية ،و ليس لإرضاء طرف او إغضابا لطرف آخر . He said: that the government has proved its ability in the face of terrorist organizations and lawless out of the higher interest of the country away from the accounts factional, sectarian and partisan, and not to please one party or the House for another party.
من جهته ، قال السيد سعد الحريري انه ينظر بإهتمام و ارتياح للتطورات الايجابية التي يشهدها العراق ولجهود الحكومة العراقية في بسط القانون والتوجه نحو البناء والاعمار ، مؤكدا على ضرورة تطوير العلاقات بين العراق ولبنان وجميع الدول العربية . For his part, Mr. Saad Hariri said that he viewed with interest and satisfaction the positive developments in Iraq and the Iraqi government's efforts in enforcing the law and move toward construction, reconstruction, stressing the necessity of developing relations between Iraq and Lebanon and all Arab countries.
Abdel Mahdi stresses the importance of advancing the agricultural reality in the country
الدكتور عادل عبد المهدي يؤكد أهمية النهوض بالواقع الزراعي في البلاد Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi stresses the importance of advancing the agricultural reality in the country
جاء ذلك خلال استقبال فخامته في مكتبه ببغداد يوم الخميس المصادف (17-7-2008) وزير الزراعة الأستاذ علي حسين البهادلي , This came during a meeting His Excellency in his office in Baghdad on Thursday day (17-7-2008) Agriculture Minister Professor Ali Hussein Albahadli,
وجرى خلال اللقاء مناقشة السبل الكفيلة للنهوض بالواقع الزراعي في البلاد ,كما تم تبادل وجهات النظر بعدد من الاراءوالخطط التي تخص تطوير القطاع الزراعي وأهميتها في رفد الأقتصاد العراقي .فضلا" عن بحث مشكلة المكلية الزراعة وطرق دعم الانتاج الزراعي .حيث اكد نائب رئيس الجمهورية على اهمية النهوض بالواقع الزراعي في البلاد . It was during the meeting to discuss ways to promote agricultural reality in the country, were also exchanged views Alaraktt a number of specific development of the agricultural sector and its importance in supplementing the Iraqi economy. As well "the problem should also be limited research on agriculture and ways to support agricultural production. He said Vice President on the importance of Advancement of agricultural reality in the country.
من جانبه أعرب البهادلي عن سروره بالأراء القيمة التي أبداها نائب رئيس الجمهورية والتي تسهم مساهمة فعالة في تطويرالزراعة العراقية. For his part, expressed his delight Albahadli views on the value made by Vice President of the Republic, which contribute actively to Ttaiwiralzerall Iraq.
Central Bank of Iraq CBI Getting Ready for SOMETHING BIG!!!
"Huge things are set to happen very soon here. We have seen the Iraqi people struggling to get out of poverty, and make comfortable lives for themselves. The government here is trying its hardest to help increase and stabilize the economy. Do you still have the 2.5 mil NID that I sent to you? I said "yes". He continues to say that the NID will be increasing very soon to and I should be planning on cashing in. He also noted that there will be a period, about 3 months, before transitioning over to a more "effective" currency. He goes on to tell me much more of the living conditions, and all the contractors working on the rebuild of Iraq.
To me this sounds like very good news. I hope that it is true.
Oil exports keep surplus elevated at 42% of GDP
KUWAIT : In its latest economic brief on the macroeconomic indicators in Kuwait, NBK reports that last year was another record year for Kuwait’s balance of payments (BOP) as oil prices reached new highs resulting in record oil export receipts. However, this was more than offset by strong growth in the country’s imports, service outflows and other transfers, and a slight drop in investment income from abroad. As a result, the current account surplus declined but remained at an impressive 42% of GDP, according to provisional estimates recently released by the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK). The surplus helped the government continue accumulating foreign assets, mostly through the sovereign wealth fund managed by the Kuwaiti Investment Authority (KIA), though at a slower pace than last year. Official estimates of the foreign asset holdings of the state are not published, however, the local media recently reported figures discussed in a closed-door session of Kuwait’s parliament.
These reports put the assets of the Reserve Fund for Future Generations (RFFG), which holds most of Kuwait’s official foreign investments outside the central bank, at KD 57.9 billion ($215 billion) as at the end of March 2008, up 15.5% over a year earlier. During fiscal year 2007/2008 that ended in March, the government allocated roughly KD 2.0 billion to the RFFG, representing 10% of budget revenues. We estimate another KD 7 billion in realized budget surplus was also invested abroad by KIA. Meanwhile, NBK notices that CBK increased its official foreign reserves by KD 917 million, which is the overall BOP surplus. However, the CBK estimates the broader BOP - which includes the net increase in the government’s foreign assets managed by KIA, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, and Kuwait Airways Corporation, along with CBK’s reserves – at KD 12.0 billion, slightly above last year’s KD 11.8 billion.
The current account registered a surplus of KD 13.5 billion, following a jump the previous year to a record KD 15 billion. The surplus remained over 10 times its size five years earlier. Since then it has risen in every year except this one, boosted by increasingly higher oil prices. NBK also mentions that a rising import bill was the main reason for the decline in the current account surplus. Imports jumped by 41% to reach KD 5.9 billion. This growth followed a flat year in 2006 and was the most rapid in over a decade. The rise in imports reflects accelerating growth in domestic demand that reached 19% in 2007. Though a detailed classification of imports is not available, we estimate that capital goods accounted for a big part of the increase, with some big ticket items (aircraft and power generation turbines) featuring prominently.
A continued influx of foreign workers to support the rise in economic activity, coupled with rising incomes, was also a factor behind growth in consumer goods imports. In addition, rising prices internationally and the decline in the value of the Kuwaiti dinar relative to the country’s major trade partners other than the US must have also contributed to the jump in the value of imports. During 2007, the KD lost on average 6.4% against the euro and 6% against the pound sterling, but gained 5.9% against the US dollar after the central bank decided to break the pure dollar link and revert back to pegging the dinar to a basket of currencies.
Exports amounted to KD 18.1 billion, with 94% coming from crude oil and refined products. Oil exports were up by 5.7% following a 25% increase the previous year, as the rise in the oil price was more modest. The average price of Kuwaiti crude rose by 12.8% in 2007 to average $66 per barrel.
NBK notes that growth in non-oil exports was more impressive at 19%. Non-oil exports, comprising mainly ethylene products, manufactured fertilizers, and re-exports, rose to just above KD 1 billion for the first time ever. Foreign trade statistics also published by the CBK, show re-exports accounting for almost half of the increase in non-oil exports, and ethylene products for another 32%. Despite the better growth in 2007, non-oil exports remained a small 5.7% of total exports.
The services account deficit widened to KD 981 million. Receipts from services provided to nonresidents rose by 19% to KD 2.7 billion, while payments for services provided by nonresidents were up by 25% reaching KD 3.7 billion. Net outflows for transportation services gained notably, boosted largely by a 36% rise in service provided by foreign entities. Growth in outflows for travel services of 14.3% also had a notable impact on the net services item. These figures have been growing steadily in recent years driven by a growing business activity and standard of living in the country which has raised expenditures on business-related travel and tourism.
Current Account
Net services continued to benefit from the rapid growth of private sector service companies in telecommunications, logistics and retailing that have expanded regionally. Receipts by such service providers rose to KD 1.5 billion in 2007 from a mere KD 14 million only four years before. Meanwhile, net government outflows for services rose by 75%, boosted by rapid growth in government spending on services including those provided by foreign consultants to support an ambitious investment program.
NBK also mentions that another contributor to the current account surplus was net investment income, which amounted to KD 3.7 billion, down 3.8% from the previous year’s record level that saw a 50% jump. Given the continued accumulation of foreign assets by Kuwaiti entities, the drop reflects generally lower interest rates and weak performance of global capital markets, no doubt affected by the global credit crisis.
Roughly two thirds of net investment income accrued to the general government sector, which comprises Kuwait Investment Authority, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Public Authority for Social Security, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, Kuwait Airways Corporation, and the Savings and Credit Bank. Of all four sectors identified in the accounts, only investment companies showed a notable increase in net investment income of 46%, though the total figure remained quite small compared to other sectors.
The deficit on current transfers saw its largest increase in years, jumping by over 37%. The figure consists largely of workers remittances and government assistance to other countries. The outflow reached KD 1.44 billion, more than double its level just four years before. Worker remittances rose 17.6% to KD 1.09 billion on the back of strong growth in the number of expatriate workers.
Capital and Financial Account
The capital account recorded the highest surplus in five years, growing by 75% to KD 447 million. Inflows mostly represented payments to the government from the UN Compensation Commission (UNCC) for losses due to the 1990 Iraqi invasion. Total UNCC inflows to the government and the private sector amounted to KD 365 million, up from KD 228 million in 2006. Since the start of the program in 1994, Kuwait has received roughly KD 3.9 billion, about two thirds going to private individuals and companies. Payments to the government accounted for another 30%.
Mirroring the drop in the current account surplus, net financial flows (comprising direct investment, portfolio investment and other investment), were 25% lower than in 2006, at KD 10.6 billion. The bulk of the outflows were in portfolio investments, which saw a 25% increase over 2006 to reach KD 9.4 billion primarily by the general government sector. Although smaller in size, net direct investment – predominantly outflows by the government- also rose by 64% to KD 3.9 billion. Inflows of foreign direct investment into Kuwait continued to be minor, with the net figure largely unchanged at a mere KD 34 million.
NBK notes that the government sector continued to dominate financial flows, with government entities seeing a net outflow of KD 10.3 billion. Net outflows were down by 14% from the prior year. Portfolio investments continued to account for the bulk of these flows (KD 7.7 billion), followed by net direct investment abroad (KD2.4 billion). In contrast, net accumulation of liquid assets fell compared to the previous two years, when such assets accounted for a considerable part of net government investment outflows.
Local banks saw a net financial outflow in 2006 turn into a net inflow in 2007 of KD 821 million. This was due to a big increase in inflows from non-residents into deposit accounts. This reflected in part the increased reliance of banks on non-resident deposits during 2007 to fund their activities, and in part a rise in speculative positions by non-residents betting on an appreciation in the dinar, both before and after depegging it for the US dollar. Investment companies reported net outflows of KD 477 million, 32% below 2006. The non-financial private sector also saw a small decline in net financial outflows despite an 8% increase in net direct investment abroad to KD 1.1 billion, and a 30% increase in net portfolio investments to KD 509 million. Meanwhile, the ’other (net)’ item - which accounts for errors and omissions in BOP transactions, including private capital flows not reported by financial institutions, recorded an unusually large KD 2.4 billion net outflow, the largest in recent years.
By National Bank of Kuwait