Announces Creation of Website to shape Iraqi Monetary Policy to Include a Plan for Repatriation of Iraqi Dinar Paper Currency Held by Foreigners
PRWEB.COM Newswire
San Diego, CA (PRWEB) August 18, 2011 has created a central repository of contact information for organizations and individuals who can shape Iraqi monetary policy. Several recent announcements by the Central Bank of Iraq to completely restructure the Iraqi Dinar have heightened new investor interest in the currency. Iraq’s Central Bank has detailed its general plan for the Dinar that when completed will reflect a Dinar with a value approximately equal to one U.S. Dollar with entirely new redenominated banknotes in circulation. However, certain parts of the story remain untold.
David Pratt of has called for the Central Bank of Iraq to reveal its plan for the importation of all Iraqi Dinar paper currency purchased and accumulated by thousands of U. S. citizens the last seven years from the offices and branches of several international banks and registered currency dealers here in the United States.
“We are encouraging people holding this paper to contact the Central Bank of Iraq or anyone who may be in a position to influence Iraq’s monetary policy. We want leadership in the Central Bank to acknowledge these Dinars and display the existence of structures within their master plan designed specifically to facilitate the efficient and orderly repatriation of this currency,” says David Pratt.
William Burbank of BB&M International Corporation, operator of the AmIraq Fund agrees and goes on to state: “individuals who purchased paper currency, often in small denominations were investing in Iraq in its darkest hour. It seems only fair that the Bank of Iraq institute policies that allow them to participate in the growth of the Dinar’s value”. Mr. Burbank went on to state “At this point in time we are awaiting approval of the Central Bank’s recommendations by the Iraqi Parliament and this is the time when policy can be influenced or introduced to protect the paper currency holders.”
It is important to note that only the holders of paper currency outside of Iraq may be impacted by the current ambiguity. Investors holding equity shares, dinar denominated bank deposits and other financial instruments inside of Iraqi are not in question.
To assist holders of Iraqi Dinar paper currency, a dedicated interactive website is available which contains contributed contact information for organizations and key individuals that may have influence in the creation of new policies and procedures being crafted at this time in Parliament. The best time to make changes is before the finalization and execution of any currency exchange program.
Please go to to access these links and build momentum by spreading the word.
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